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Chaos Corona 12.10 for 3ds Max Renderer plugin
  • 素材类型: 资源-素材
  • 上传时间:
  • 插件名称: Chaos Corona
  • 适用软件: 3ds Max
  • 适用系统: Windows
  • 官网地址: https://corona-renderer.com/features
Chaos Corona 12.10 for 3ds Max Renderer plugin

Chaos Corona 12 is a CPU renderer based on hyper realistic photo effects, a high-performance, unbiased photo level physical renderer. The Corona renderer has a strong emphasis on indoor performance, unlike the Vray renderer, which strives to allow designers to focus all their energy on rendering effects.


Chaos Corona 12.10 for 3ds Max Renderer plugin
Chaos Corona v9 for Cinema 4D R17-2023
  • Easy to use
    Availability is our most powerful feature. Rendering settings are actually as simple as “rendering”. Most new users can learn Corona in just one day and fall in love with it within two days.
  • Rendering
    Chaos Corona provides predictable, reliable and physical results without affecting quality. Real lighting and materials (including Jiao San) are used to open the box. Our forums and gallery parts provide good examples.
  • Powerful workflow tools
    Output quality and speed are not the only factor in making excellent renderers. This is why Corona has many “small” workflow adjustments, which will make your life easier.
  • Rendering
    Time is money, so you need to create the scene quickly and easily. Corona comes with a large number of prefabricated content -from models and assets to sky and materials -this will help you build your world in a record time.
  • Material
    Our design goal of Corona material is to make it physics, but intuitive, flexible and easy to set.
  • Speed and interaction
    The available renderer must always deliver the final result as fast as possible and respond to the user’s operation in an instant. This is what we have been looking for.
  • lamp
    The entire process of creating lights aims to allow artists to fully control their scenes while quickly and intuitive …
  • Burden
    As a relatively young company, we can do different things from the beginning. We not only adopted different methods in development, but also adopted different methods when creating pricing options.
  • flexibility
    We know how important the result of being able to “bend” to provide customer expectations is important. Therefore, Corona supports many realistic hackers, allowing you to get the required results.
  • ecosystem
    Welcome to the chaos family! As a CORONA user, you will be supported by the Oscar and Emmy Award -winning brand. You can use basic tools to expand your functions to ensure that your favorite rendering engine is smoothly integrated …

Installation Notes

If the old version is installed, first uninstall the old version and remove the crack files such as Corona_72_max_fix.dll

Install Chaos-Corona-10-3dsmax.exe, select Custom when installing, do not check the License Server, decide whether to check Materials according to your needs.

  • Copy LegionLib_release.dll to C: \ Program Files \ Corona \ Corona Renderer for 3DS MAX \ 20XX
  • And the root directory of the 3DS MAX installation directory
  • And C: \ Program Files \ Corona \ Corona Renderer for 3DS MAX \ Standalone
  • And C: \ Program Files \ Corona \ Corona Renderer for 3DS MAX \ Image Editor
  • Copy scattercore.forscatter_release.dll to C: \ Program Files \ Chaos Group \ Scatter \ 3DS MAX 20XX
Chaos Corona 12.10
Chaos Corona 12.1
Chaos Corona 12
Chaos Corona 11 hotfix 2
Chaos Corona 11 Hotfix 1
Chaos Corona 11
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