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Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.1.0 3D free Download
  • 素材类型: 资源-素材
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  • 软件名称: Substance 3D Stager
  • 软件类型: 贴图材质制作软件
  • 适用系统: Windows/Mac
  • 官网地址: https://www.adobe.com/hk_en/products/substance3d-designer.html
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.1.0 3D  free Download

Substance 3D Stager v3.1.0 It allows you to build and assemble 3D scenes in this intuitive stage tool. Set up assets, materials, lighting, and cameras. Export and share media, from images to web and AR experiences. Substance 3D Stager allows you to make creative decisions in context. Optimize and adjust your composition in real-time. Visualize and edit advanced materials with complex lighting and shadows. Use fast and efficient intelligent tools to build realistic 3D scenes. Block shapes, capture elements, activate physics to avoid collisions between models, and generate simple lights.

The Stager comes with models, materials, and lighting to get started. Or explore and use thousands of high-end assets created by our 3D experts and included in your Substance 3D collection plan. Fully utilize the powerful features of Creative Cloud: import elements from Modeler, Painter, Designer, and Sampler. Edit the image in Illustrator and Photoshop, and immediately view your modifications in Stager. Enhance your lighting with the ambient light editor or add physical 3D lights to your scene for advanced lighting design.


Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.1.0 3D  free Download
  1. Process your final image
    With Substance3DStar, you can make creative decisions in context. Improve and adjust your composition in real-time. Visualize and edit advanced materials with complex lighting and shadows.
  2. Various tools can concretize your creativity
    Use fast and efficient intelligent tools to build realistic 3D scenes. Sketch shapes, capture elements, use physical laws to avoid collisions between models, and generate simple lighting.
  3. Access to a vast network of resources
    Stager comes with models, materials, and lighting to help get started. Alternatively, explore and utilize thousands of high-end resources created by our 3D experts, which you can access through the Substance3D product portfolio program.
  4. Connect your 3D toolset
    Fully utilize all the features of Creative Cloud: import elements from Modeler, Painter, Designer, and Sampler. Edit the image in Illustrator and PhotoShop, and immediately see the modifications made in Stager.

Installation instructions

Simply double-click to execute the program installation, and the crack is already built-in.

Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.1.2
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.1.0 CE
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.0.4
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.0.3
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.0.2.5806
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v3.0.2
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v2.1.3
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v2.1.2
Adobe Substance 3D Stager V2.0.1.5479
Adobe Substance 3D Stager v2.0.1 Mac
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