Functional characteristics
official website:
- Geometry and texture mapping kernels Redshift’s efficient memory management allows for rendering scenes containing billions of polygons and terabytes of texture data.
- Global illumination By using offset based GI technology and brute force operation GI, extremely fast indirect illumination can be achieved.
- World-class performance Utilizing the raw capabilities of GPUs and intelligent sampling technology, Redshift is the world’s fastest renderer. agent
- Artists can export object groups to Redshift proxy files, which can be easily referenced by other scenes and allow for powerful shader overlays.
- Deformation and deformation blur Redshift supports multi-step transformation blur and two-step deformation blur.
- Volume Render Use Redshift’s volume rendering feature to render realistic clouds, smoke, fire, and more.
- Fur rendering with “minimum pixel width” Fine hairs can produce noisy rendering. Redshift supports MPW rendering, which can smooth the appearance of small and difficult to sample fur.
- Surface Subdivision and Permutation Redshift’s surface subdivision supports edge and vertex creases, and has independent UV smoothing control.
- Flexibility by Object Objects have advanced masking properties and tracking options, such as self shadows and primary/secondary ray visibility.
- Baking Redshift allows for baking any type of AOV data from a single object.
- Command line rendering Users can use the redshiftCmdLine tool to export their scenes and render them independently of their 3D applications.
Interface display
Installation instructions
Genuine plugin: Normal installation is sufficient. Genuine software, not cracked version. After normal installation, subscription login is required to use it properly! Cracked version plugin: It needs to be installed strictly according to the document requirements. The cracking technology is relatively mature, but it requires a certain amount of computer knowledge to crack. Note that it is important to uninstall the antivirus software before attempting to crack it, otherwise it may fail. You can contact the webmaster to pay for remote installation.Redshift v 3.5.24
Redshift v 3.5.23
Redshift 3.5.22
Redshift 3.5.21
Redshift 3.5.20
Redshift 3.5.19
Redshift 3.5.18
Redshift V3.5.17
Redshift V3.5.16
Redshift V3.5.15
Redshift v3.5.14
Redshift 3.5.13
Redshift 3.5.12
Redshift 3.5.10
Redshift 3.5.09
Redshift 3.5.08
Redshift 3.5.07
Redshift 3.5.06
Redshift 3.5.05
Redshift 3.5.04
Redshift 3.5.03
Redshift 3.5.02
Redshift 3.5.01
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