A dystopian near future filled with raging natural disasters, deplenished resources, defunct nations, and two superpowers on the brink of global war. What unfortunate series of events led us to this?
We were tasked with the introduction to this world: to create a film that acquaints us with 2042, to provide context for our arrival here, and to leave one eager for immersion into the story.
This case study is broken up in 4 parts. Why? We made a stupefying amount of artwork for this project, a lot of which didn’t make it into the cut. Part 1 (this page) focuses on the final film and the artwork that directly went into this edit. Parts 2-4 follow the design journey that led us here and includes the art direction evolution, network breakdown and an indepth look at the maps and user interface elements.
OVERVIEW EFFECTThe sun breaks the horizon and spills over the surface of the planet. The earth is so peaceful, hopeful, awe inspiring. A satellite drifts into view and with it come the sounds of news broadcasts painting a different picture. A world where record breaking weather is the new normal. The satellite’s eye watches over the surface of the planet. We peer into it and enter The Network.A mixture of 3D renders, digital matte painting and licensed NASA footage was comped together to create our opening planetary sequence.